This treatment is for you if…
You do not have sensitive teeth and wish to have white teeth again.
What is laser teeth whitening?
Laser teeth whitening is a treatment to lighten the tone of teeth. This treatment uses the most advanced laser technology and is the quickest and most effective way to whiten teeth.
Laser teeth whitening will depend on the type of teeth the patient wishes to lighten and the location of the stains intended to be eliminated.
If the stains are found on the outside layers of the teeth, the procedure is more simple and receives the name of vital teeth whitening.
If the stains or discolouration are on the inside, the teeth whitening will require another type of treatment, known as the whitening of non-vital teeth.
Laser teeth whitening in vital teeth
El blanqueamiento láser se lleva a cabo aplicando un gel directamente sobre la superficie del diente. Este gel tiene componentes que aclaran la tonalidad del esmalte dental Laser teeth whitening is carried out by applying a gel directly to the tooth’s surface area. This gel has components that make the tone of the dental enamel lighter (normally hydrogen peroxide or carbamide) when they are exposed to light and to the heat of laser rays. The laser whitening treatment in vital teeth usually lasts from 30 to 90 minutes and the results may be observed from the first session. However, it is recommended to have frequent appointments to maintain the desired tone.
There are certain aspects of laser teeth whitening that each patient must take into account. On using laser rays to activate the peroxide gel applied to whiten teeth, this treatment is not recommended for people with sensitive teeth, since the teeth may overheat and suffer a nervous alteration.

Laser teeth whitening in non-vital teeth
This type of laser teeth whitening is most common when it is sought to make lighter the tone of teeth that have undergone previous root canal work or another similar treatment. Since the tooth must be whitened from the inside, the process of this whitening is somewhat longer than the previous one.
Once it has been applied to the outside of the teeth, the whitening gel is placed within them through a temporary filling. The whitening substance remains on the inside for a few days until it penetrates the whole composition of the teeth. Depending on each case, the patient must visit the clinic in the days following the first appointment since, sometimes, it is necessary to change the whitener to obtain the desired tone.
Advantages of laser teeth whitening
Laser teeth whitening is the treatment most chosen by patients that seek a whiter, more perfect smile. Aside from the aesthetic nature, laser teeth whitening has more advantages that help to maintain better health for our mouths. For example:
- It improves our physical appearance and our self-esteem. There is nothing better than having a perfect healthy smile, with white correctly aligned teeth.
- It helps to improve hygiene. Normally, patients that complete orthodontic treatments usually choose laser teeth whitening to obtain the perfect smile. If we want to conserve white teeth, excellent regular dental hygiene must be maintained.
- Speed of the treatment. The results of the laser whitening process may be seen from the first session, depending on each case and on the dental characteristics of each patient. With respect to all aesthetic treatments, the results of laser teeth whitening are quicker and more effective.
- Pain-free whitening. Since laser teeth whitening uses the latest technology, the procedure is harmless for the patient. However, people that have sensitivity problems or other types of discomfort must consult the specialist before opting for a whitening of these characteristics.
Phases of laser teeth whitening
Laser teeth whitening follows a comfortable, quick and easy procedure. Its phases depend on whether vital teeth or non-vital teeth should be whitened, although in general terms, both processes usually follow similar steps. These are the following:
1. Firstly, an odontologist expert in aesthetic treatments will apply a substance which protects the gums of each tooth during the whitening process.
2. Lastly, a whitening gel will be placed on each tooth. In the case of the treatment of vital teeth, the gel will activate via laser rays.
The laser teeth whitening can only be carried out once per session. Accordingly, and although the teeth will become whiter from the first appointment, the patient will need to return again to achieve the tone they really desire.
If perfect oral hygiene is maintained and certain bad habits, (such as smoking, for example) are avoided, the perfect white smile obtained after the laser treatment may last between six months and one year.
The amounts indicated have been estimated in line with a full treatment, in accordance with the parameters in the table. Includes: study, treatment and check-ups during the treatment, so it serves as a guide and is of a merely informative non-contractual nature. The personalised treatment will be examined in line with the medical prescription. Prices can be increased if additional costs are incurred as a result of the requests made by each customer. Price valid until 31 December 2023 except in the event of a typing error.