Causes, treatment and remedies of Halitosis

Halitosis or chronic bad breath is something that mint sweets, mouthwashes or a good brushing cannot resolve. Unlike “morning breath” or a strong smell that persists after eating a food with a strong taste, halitosis remains for a prolonged period of time and may be a sign of something more serious.
The main causes of halitosis
- Dental problems such as tooth decay or periodontal disease: Both pathologies can be solved with good care and daily oral hygiene, since the bacteria are responsible for producing them and, therefore, bad breath.
- Mouth, nose or throat infections
- Dry mouth: Our saliva, as well as moistening, cleans our mouth and improves food consumption. Hence dryness may lead to a higher concentration of bacteria, which will be those responsible for making our breath smell.
- Smoking: It is advisable to completely reduce or eliminate this harmful habit. We will improve our oral health and reduce halitosis.
- Other chronic complaints, such as gastric reflux, diabetes, kidney or liver disease, to which it is necessary to add the consumption of certain medicines, can cause a dry mouth and worsen halitosis.
Remedies for halitosis
To prevent halitosis the first thing is to adopt a healthy oral hygiene routine, brushing your teeth three times a day for at least two minutes with a toothpaste using fluoride and dental floss.
It is important not to forget to brush your tongue, since this is where most of the bacteria normally gather that cause bad breath.
Drinking lots of water, chewing sugar-free gum and reducing caffeine consumption can also help the saliva to flow and freshen your breath.
If your bad breath persists, the best thing to do is to visit your dentist, who, through a suitable intraoral examination, may assess the presence of a certain oral health problem and advise a suitable treatment plan or refer you to your GP if the cause of your bad breath is not dental-related.