This treatment is for you if…
You wish to have white teeth again and that the effect lasts longer.
What is combined teeth whitening?
Combined teeth whitening is an odontological treatment that combines two procedures: the first part is carried out at the clinic with the aid of a specialist, and the other part will be carried out by the patient at their home.
Its objective is the same as for any other teeth whitening technique. That is, to lighten various tones of the colour of teeth enamel, thereby eliminating stains and discolouration.
Accordingly, the specialist uses a chemical compound called hydrogen peroxide or carbamide with a high concentration. At the clinic, the specialist applies the product to then activate it with the help of LED lighting or a special laser for this treatment.
The patient continues their treatment at home, applying mouth guards to their teeth that have a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide for a few hours a day.
Types of combined teeth whitening
As with other teeth whitening techniques, there are two types of combined teeth whitening, based on the type of teeth:
Whitening of vital teeth
This is the most used whitening treatment, since it combines the effectiveness of the treatment at the clinic with the comfort of continuing and boosting the effects of the treatment from home. In turn, this treatment may be divided based on the light used:
- With LED lighting, which activates the whitening gel molecules with a blue light emitted by the LED lamp. Its results are excellent and long-lasting, especially if correct oral hygiene is maintained.
- It is quicker and more effective with laser light on activating the whitening gel. Its effects generally last less than with LED lighting.

Advantages of combined teeth whitening
- It is a much more effective procedure than conventional teeth whitening.
- Results are obtained in a much shorter time than with conventional teeth whitening procedures. Specifically, the first effects are perceived after around one month of treatment.
- Thanks to the use of laser lighting and of combining it with the home procedure, better results are obtained that are more prolonged over time.
Evidently, combined teeth whitening also has the advantages of other types of teeth whitening. These advantages are, for example:
- A much whiter smile, which is undoubtedly the true reason for being of this treatment. This possibility increases the patient’s self-esteem, granting them greater security and self-confidence.
- It is a virtually painless process without discomfort for those undergoing it. That is an important difference with respect to other dental treatments that usually cause pain or discomfort.
- This technique helps to improve oral health, since the treatment and subsequent maintenance involve taking care of dental health, keeping stringent hygiene, as always recommended by specialists.
- Very long-lasting treatment at long term if appropriate habits are adopted. Generally, it lasts less in people that smoke or drink coffee, tea or red wine frequently.
Combined teeth whitening treatment phases
The clinical phases of this procedure do not differ with respect to conventional treatment. The main difference is that the treatment continues at the patient’s home. The stages are therefore as follows:
1. The first phase is an oral review to detect the presence of diseases such as tooth decay.
2. After ruling out possible illnesses that may affect the treatment, a full scale and polish will be carried out.
3. The third phase consists of taking a sample of the whole mouth to verify the current tone of the teeth and to define the treatment that will apply. Afterwards, made-to-measure mouth guards will be prepared for each arch.
4. The fourth phase consists of the treatment itself, although, in reality, it involves two different treatments, one at the clinic and another at home. Hence, the patient is provided with the mouth guards and a whitening kit:
- The treatment at the clinic consists of applying a highly concentrated dose of hydrogen peroxide. This chemical product liberates free oxygen radicals that clean the teeth from the inside. It is activated with a cold LED light or with a professional laser that increases the strength of the treatment. It will be supervised by a specialist at all times.
- Home treatment, in which the patient applies the whitening mouth guards a number of hours a day determined by the specialist, over an approximate period of 15 days. In this case, the concentration of peroxide is lower than that used at the clinic, although it will depend on the criteria of the professional, on the results of the clinic phase and on the type of whitening, among others. Home treatment is also controlled by the specialist on a frequent basis.
5. Once the home treatment has ended, the patient once again attends the specialist’s clinic. In this final stage, the before and after photos will be compared to verify that the treatment outcome is as expected.
6. In the last phase, on completing the treatment, the specialist provides a series of instructions and guidelines to the patient, that they must follow for the results to be more effective and for them to last a long time.
The amounts indicated have been estimated in line with a full treatment, in accordance with the parameters in the table. Includes: study, treatment and check-ups during the treatment, so it serves as a guide and is of a merely informative non-contractual nature. The personalised treatment will be examined in line with the medical prescription. Prices can be increased if additional costs are incurred as a result of the requests made by each customer. Price valid until 31 December 2024 except in the event of a typing error.